I know that everyone wants to know, how we are able to afford this trip and how much it costs. When planning for the world tour, i needed this information for myself. So before we left we decided to record our spending. We tracked every single purchase that we made on our trip through Central […]
Cuban Experience – Crossing the Darien Gap

What i’m about to tell you is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No extravagant exaggerations, no wild hyperbole. This is real. As you know we have been matched with a shipping partner that will share a container with us. But we were unable to meet until the night before […]
Gate to South America – Panama

Panama…Panama? There only two things I know about Panama: 1) There is the Panama Canal and more importantly 2) it is the end of the road. No, literally, the famous Pan American Highway that goes for thousands of miles from Alaska to Argentina…it breaks here for about 50 miles. This is the famous Darien Gap. […]