China – The Great Wall

Here is the main difference between backpacking and overlanding, schedule. With the car we pretty much had complete freedom of movement, WE decided how long we wanted to stay in each place and what time we should leave. None of the waking up at the crack of dawn just to make it to the […]
Korea – A Turn For The Unexpected

We thought that we spent enough time in Moscow, come on guys it was almost 6 weeks there. If the weather was nicer maybe our stay would have been much more pleasant, but the fall in Moscow is short, summer can turn into winter in a matter of days. Of course the Russians don’t […]
Russia – Moscow – Winter Is Coming

Our stay in Moscow is getting unexpectedly longer and longer, there are reasons for it, but I am not at liberty to discusses them at the moment. Lets just say that some interesting things are up ahead and those of you who know us already will not be surprised by the announcement. Man, really […]
Russia – Nizhniy Novgorod, Vladimir and Kazan (trip with Grandma)

I might have overdone it with the driving in a single day from Miass to Kazan. The distance wise it is about 470-500 miles, basically something that i do once in a while when driving to see my parents in San Jose. Back in California this drive usually takes me 7 hours 30 minutes […]
Russia – Miass

We learned a trick to passing the border with minimal hassle. During a usual border process the passengers go through the immigration and then wait in a separate area while the customs officials inspect the car. This is what we do now, Hyein just follows me back to the car and sticks around. The officers […]
Kazakhstan – Astana, Unexpected Gem of the Steppe

The last post felt like a final point, it even included a summary for Kyrgyzstan. Chronologically speaking, we still had to get from Pamir back to Osh, then Bishkek and then onto Kazakhstan. Although there are not a lot of new pretty pictures for you guys, we did have a little adventure. The trip to […]
Kyrgyzstan – Pamir, the Roof of the World

Landcruiser mended up to the standards of Central Asia, we set off towards the town of Osh. Knowing that we wouldn’t make it there in one day, we took our sweet time getting ready in the morning…checking wifi, drinking coffee, blogging and being lazy around the hostel. The warm August air of Bishkek puts you […]
Russia – Back to the Motherland

And boom just like that we are back in the Motherland although the landscape hasn’t changed much from Mongolia, the towns already look a little bit more organized and well supplied. After finding a place to park our Hodori for the night, we rushed to the store to get some fresh veggies. At the border […]
Mongolia – Never Bores You

The route that we are following is called the “Southern Route”. I’ve heard all kinds of stories about it, from boring with a good road to dusty, truck infested hellhole. After our Gobi to Bayankhongor trailblazing, i thought to myself: “finally, some nice pavement, a good audiobook and coffee sipping time while driving”. Nope, nope […]