Here is the main difference between backpacking and overlanding, schedule. With the car we pretty much had complete freedom of movement, WE decided how long we wanted to stay in each place and what time we should leave. None of the waking up at the crack of dawn just to make it to the […]
Korea – A Turn For The Unexpected

We thought that we spent enough time in Moscow, come on guys it was almost 6 weeks there. If the weather was nicer maybe our stay would have been much more pleasant, but the fall in Moscow is short, summer can turn into winter in a matter of days. Of course the Russians don’t […]
Chiang Mai – How to Elephant in Thailand

Since Chiang Mai is in the North of Thailand, right by Myanmar and Laos, we naively thought that the weather situation would improve and we would get a bit of a break from the heat. We were wrong yet again. It’s even hotter than Bangkok…wait is that even possible or do the tires just melt […]