Lets get this out of the way, yes we are going to the “Borat” country. Sadly, but that is how most Westerners perceive Kazakhstan. Even before visiting the country, i’ve always consider the movie more of a parody than an actual documentary. I personally believe it poked just as much fun, if not more, at […]
Russia – Back to the Motherland

And boom just like that we are back in the Motherland although the landscape hasn’t changed much from Mongolia, the towns already look a little bit more organized and well supplied. After finding a place to park our Hodori for the night, we rushed to the store to get some fresh veggies. At the border […]
Mongolia – Overlanding Overview

This is it – this is what you have all been waiting for. Our 20th country! Mongolia, the land of dreams, no roads, steppes and sheep… a lot of sheep. This is just the overview of the things we did in Mongolia in the past couple of weeks. More detailed posts coming up. 1) For […]
Russia – OverLanding, OverRaining

I might have hurried up saying our goodbyes in the previous post. I forgot that we still have to go from Seoul to Donghae, where we will be taking a ferry to Russia. The ferry was schedule before we even got the car in Busan, so that was all ready to go. But we have […]
Korea – Camping Done Right

In the previous post i mentioned about the Korean overlanding site and that Hyein posted on there that we are doing some trips in Korea. Well the response was outstanding, people were very nice and welcoming, even more so the big-wigs that run that community decided to organize a weekend camping and invite us. Btw, […]
Korea – Overlanding in your own backyard

This is going to be a long post…we could have broken it up in two, too late now. Last time Hyein visited her parents in September right before we left for this whole drive around the world thing. She came over to Seoul unannounced to her parents as a birthday surprise for her Dad’s 60th […]
Expense Report – Central and South America

I know that everyone wants to know, how we are able to afford this trip and how much it costs. When planning for the world tour, i needed this information for myself. So before we left we decided to record our spending. We tracked every single purchase that we made on our trip through Central […]